Can I Cancel my Trip on Expedia and Get a Refund?

Yes, you can certainly cancel your trip with Expedia. But to make sure that you get a complete refund, you must follow the cancellation policy to make the cancellation. This will ensure that you will not be charged for the cancellation you have made. Expedia is not only unknown for making flight bookings, but it is also known for the booking of hotels and cars.

Cancellation policy of Expedia

In case you want to ask the representative, "Can I cancel my trip on Expedia and get a refund?" Then the below-given policy and procedure will guide you through the correct path.

Flight cancellation policy:

  • In case you have cancelled the booking you made with Expedia within twenty-four hours of the reservation, you'll be able to get a complete refund of the investment you made.
  • You need to fill up the refund form on the official website of Expedia within twenty-four hours of the booking.
  • If your booking was cancelled from the side of Expedia, then you are eligible to get a full refund of the investment you have made in your reservation.

Car rental cancellation policy:

  • Most car rentals can be cancelled without any penalty at any given time.
  • Once you have made the booking, you cannot change the car rental. However, you can cancel it or create a new reservation.

Procedure to make the cancellation:

  • Open Expedia's website.
  • Now you need to sign in to the account you have with Expedia.
  • Click the "My trip" option.
  • Tap on "Manage Booking."
  • Tap "Cancel flight."

That is it. You have successfully canceled the flight. You can keep the confirmation email of the cancellation safe.

Process of refund:

To get the refund, you need to connect with the customer service Expedia. Once you're in touch with them, they'll ensure you get the right help.

Connect with the Expedia

Yes, you can connect with Expedia. Their customer support is going to ensure that you get the resolution. You need to follow the simple path given below. Then you'll be able to call them or live chat with them.

Via call

  • Phone up on the official number of Expedia. That is 1 800 EXPEDIA.
  • Once you have called on it, you'll listen to a recorded voice.
  • Choose the option of "Cancellation."
  • Once you have selected it, your call will be moved to a live person.

The representative from the customer service team is going to ensure that your issue will be fixed.

Via live chat

  • Get on Expedia's website.
  • Now make the selection of the "Contact us" button.
  • A chatbox is going to appear.
  • From the box, you need to make the selection of the options which are directly connected to the issue you're facing.
  • Your chat will be passed to the person trained to handle your case.
  • Explain your query in detail.
  • Now the representative is going to fix your problem without any delay.

Via social network

To connect through the social network, follow the official data below.

  • Twitter -
  • Facebook -
  • Instagram -

The representative will cancel and even raise the refund request. Hopefully, your issue regarding Expedia customer service is sorted.

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